For my grandmother, who left this world on October 6th, 2023

Toward the end of her life, grandma sometimes seemed awake to the world. In those brief periods, she appeared most like herself to me: her eyes were utterly clear, and she had a look of surprise as she lifted one eyebrow. I cannot tell you how much I adore that expression; it’s the one she used to make—sometimes playfully, mixed with exaggerated disbelief—as she listened to our stories.

Despite all that grandma had seen in a life which was too often rife with hardship, she never lost the sparkle in her eyes. There was always light to be found in the darkness, and lightness still, under backbreaking burdens. That look of surprise brought me much comfort as grandma’s breaths grew feeble in her final days. I would like to think she was seeing wonders.

In a sense, I have been afraid of losing her my whole life.

One of my earliest memories involves stepping out of a car and running tearfully toward grandma. She had shockingly aged beyond recognition in just a few months. I remember clinging to her tightly and sobbing.

Why had her hair suddenly turned white?

Why was her face now lined with hard wrinkles?

Why did she look like an entirely different person in so little time?

The answers to my confusion would become clear as soon as I lifted my head and saw grandma—just as I remembered her—laughing while she approached us. As it turned out, I was crying in the embrace of one of her best friends. I guess you could say that I was afraid of losing her even before I really knew her face, and certainly, before I could fully grasp the concept of aging.

That fear never really went away, but from grandma, I learned to find light and lightness in spite of its rattles.

As a devout Christian, grandma never shied away from the topic of death. One time, she asked if I would miss her after she passed away. My first instinct was to recoil; I did not like the question at all, but she was patient. In retrospect, I am grateful I had the chance to tell her, on that sunny afternoon in her bedroom, how much—just how much I would miss her.

Since the end was always on our mind, grandma took every opportunity to tell me how much she loved me. Eventually, even words became insufficient. The last time I saw her in a conscious state, she held my hand to her face and just looked at me lovingly for a long while. We had always had an endless amount to talk about, but on that occasion, only the silence could say it all.

“We die with the dying: See, they depart, and we go with them. We are born with the dead: See, they return, and bring us with them.” —T.S. Eliot










身為一個虔誠的基督徒, 阿嬤從不迴避談論死亡。 有一次她問我:在她過世之後,會不會想念她。 我第一個反應是退縮,因為我一點也不喜歡這個問題,然而她對我相當有耐心。現在回想起來,我很感恩,在阿嬤房間裡、那個陽光照耀的午後,我有機會親口告訴她,我將會多麼、多麼想念她。

